Sunday, June 3, 2007


The weather is near perfect, so I decided to mow-- surprise honey! I bet you thought I'd go all summer without mowing.. the mower didn't last 20 minutes! I came in and got the computer back on line after two weeks of being denied a connection to the server, by what? static electricity? Well, I am on now and have looked at my main reads, my kids' blogs and Dooce.

Yesterday we took little Mr. Amazing to a pow wow, or as he called it, a cow bell. There was some powerful drumming and singing and some beautiful baskets, but are candy corn baskets and library totes really Native American basketry? I didn't buy because I am actually trying to get rid of some stuff, not add to it. Luckily the crowd was rained out and Henry could run and run as much as he pleased. He actually touched a bison-- his sturdy legs looked insubstantial next to that great hulking animal. We followed that up with a trip to a Chinese buffet in Bloomington-- a really clean, well-run operation with great food. On a buffet? Who ever heard of that? Henry wants to try everything, including sushi with actual fish...let me try that..let me try that.

Tomorrow I start my daily swimming for the summer at our local Y and I can't wait! By the way sweetie, if you figure out how to read this while you are at summer camp in Maine, When did the yellow bedroom become your filing cabinet? I thought you had an office.

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