Saturday, November 1, 2008

Remember the Time

Remember the time Bob got a birthday present for MY birthday?
no one does
Remember the time I lost my tooth in the truck and the tooth fairy found it anyway?
no one does
Remember the time we all went on that ice and didn't fall through and freeze or drown?
maybe someone does
Remember the time we had measles, the stinky kind and stayed in town in a dark room at mamaws?
no one does
Remember Dad picking us up in a semi and Bob pushing that curious little button?
someone does
Remember how the truck jumped forward?
I do
Remember how we cut saplings and built a cabin about two feet tall in the woods?
someone does
Remember Mammie lining us up to be switched as we came through the gate?
someone does
Remember taking care of the new baby sister when mom was so sick?
I do
Remember that it was two weeks with a 12 year old caring for a sick mom and 5 siblings?
no one does, not even me
Remember Rick having a siezure that went on for hours?
I do
Remember the layout of Lewis's General Store?
I do
Remember all the elementary schools I went to?
no one does
Remember the time we took a shortcut through the woods and were lost for hours with a toddler?
two do
but not the toddler
Remember taking little baby corn with its silks and making them dolls?
two do
Remember how bad our chicken pox was?
no one does
Well, I remember everything but the chicken pox and the elementary schools, I lost track

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