Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving has changed over the years, mostly combined with loss. We used to do 2 in a day when Larry's parents were here, I could never miss my Aunt's with my cousins and often my mom. My children have warm warm memories of those Thanksgivings of long long ago. Aging parents moved away and died. My aunt died and all fell apart. One year we stayed home alone and stayed in bed with cheesecake and football and naps. It was lovely and very self indulgent in a different way than the usual over indulgence of T-day. This year my Chicago daughter is having Hanukkah at her house and it coincides with Thanksgiving. We will be going there soon, and looking forward to a great time. Her sister, my daughter with children and her family will be there. We don't usually get to see them on Thanksgiving as that is their paternal family holiday. This will be extra fun to see the boys in Leah's fun filled loft. My son and his children nearly grown, are out west and I hope they are sharing some time together. We have moved from my aunt's thanksgiving to Larry's aunt's thanksgiving. I have developed a couple of dishes I like to bring and the company, the ambiance, is great, I have watched those little cousins grow into young men and start out on their own. Another new generation was added this year, a sweet 3 week old baby. I love being in Tracy's cabin in the woods on Thanksgiving and I am grateful they include us. More fun ensues today and tomorrow, but NOT SHOPPING!

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